
Daily Devotional: October 08, 2023 - Psalm 34:8

October 08, 2023 2 min read

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." —Psalm 34:8

Thoughts on Today’s Verse

The invitation to ‘taste and see’ invites us into an experiential knowledge of God’s goodness. It's one thing to hear about God’s goodness, and it’s another to experience it personally.

It's like the difference between hearing about a delicious meal and actually tasting it. When we take that step of faith, to taste, to experience God’s faithfulness, our eyes open to a new realm of reality – the consistent goodness of God.

Taking refuge in God isn’t about escaping reality, it’s about finding a haven of goodness amidst life’s realities. This verse extends a warm invitation to dive into a personal experience with God, to take that leap of faith and discover the boundless goodness that is found in Him. It’s a journey worth embarking upon, a taste worth savoring.

Today, as we choose to take refuge in Him, we step into a blessed state, enveloped by His unfailing goodness.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for the invitation to taste and see Your goodness. Help me to take refuge in You, to experience Your unending goodness and love.

I long for a deeper experience with You, a journey that allows me to savor Your presence and Your work in my life.

I trust that as I seek You, I will find You, and experience a blessed life under Your shelter. I am grateful for Your love that invites me into a personal, tangible relationship with You. In Your precious name, I pray.


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