
Daily Devotional: October 03, 2023 - Psalm 34:3

October 03, 2023 1 min read

“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” - Psalm 34:3

Thoughts on Today’s Verse

Inviting others to join us in praising God is like opening our homes for a big, joyful gathering. There’s something extra special about collective celebration, about finding common joy in God’s love.

It’s like a potluck of gratitude, where everyone brings their unique praises, forming a beautiful melody of thankfulness.

It’s a delightful invite to a divine celebration, painting our worlds with vibrant colors of God’s grace.

My Prayer

Dear Father,

As I beckon others to glorify You with me, infuse my heart with a genuine love that resonates with those around me.

Let my life be a sweet-sounding note in the grand symphony of praise that ascends to You daily.

May I always be willing to open my heart, my home, and my life to others so we can together discover the endless depths of Your love and grace.

Create in me a spirit of community and shared joy that transcends the superficial and plunges into a deep-seated celebration of Your eternal goodness.


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